Member Tools and Resources

Other Resources

Provides listing of all REALTOR, affiliate and appraiser members and public search of MLS

Professional Standards

Offer Ombudsman program, administer Citation Policy and Professional Standards program


Members are licensed to use REALTOR term and the “R” mark. The National Association and state association provide many other member benefits.

Hotline Help!

KAR offers a technology hotline. Agents can call and get help on all computer related problems at no charge! And brokers and agents can take advantage of the Legal Hotline for a nominal annual fee!

Volunteer and leadership

Leadership roles on Prairie Land REALTORS and Mid-Kansas MLS Board of Directors and committees and attend KAR conferences and leadership academy


HomeSnap PRO and SentriSmart apps both provide a safety timer feature agents can use at showings. Additionally, agent can subscribe at a reduced price to Forewarn, a safety app. Numerous safety resources and tips are provided to agents.

Community involvement

Each Council participants in local community efforts like delivering Meals on Wheels, providing meals for Circles, Red Cross and Habitat for Humanity, donating to Brush Up Mac and United Way and awarding scholarships to local high school students

MLS Statistics

MLS data is compiled by WSU and provides market reports for our service area. Agents have several resources for market statistics. The association shares SnapShot stats publicly monthly


Each council works on local advocacy efforts that are important to real estate industry. State and National associations have lobbying efforts to protect the interests of our industry nationally.


Mid-Kansas MLS own about 50 forms for use by our members only. Forms are available in our electronic platform by Instanet where agents can fill them out online, use e-signature or keep track of transactions paperlessly. Forms have been approved by our legal counsel.

Proper Use of our names

Use our names and trademarks correctly.

Membership Marks Manual

Information on using REALTOR term & "R" logo

Association Bylaws

Prairie Land REALTORS Bylaws

Membership Types

Explanation of our membership types